Alyssa's Crappy Homepage
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Lets see....My name is Alyssa and I am 13 years old. you can see i love cows and doing other stuff...exicting..i know....Anyway If you wanna chat, which you probably already know me anyway, i have AIM. My SN is SuperCrazyManiac. Ifd wanna know more about my hobbies than scroll down and i have made a little article about my hobbies! Peace!
I love cows!!!
On my website you'll see ALOT of cows.....seeing as how I LOVE COWS!!! I have a lot of stuffed animal cows at home, about 14 or so. I am still collecting. I just think they are so cute! Thats why I try not to eat beef, even though i love big macs.
Saving your Dollz
If you wanna learn how to make and save dollz like mine then follow these simple insrtuctions!
1)go to a web site like Dollzmania and click on the doll maker
2)all you have to do is drag the peices together. Doll makers are just drag and drops
3)once you have the doll you want, make sure its in a good spot in the screen and pree print screen/sys rq, its next to f12.
4)Then bring up any imaging software, i use paint tehe, and crop down your image till you have only the doll
move it to the top left corner and make the out line of the big white thingie small around her so there is only a little white.
5)last just save as and make sure you save it as a JPEG or JPG. that way you can put it on your website and stuff. If you can make it a GIF than do that if you want.
And vuala!! You have a doll!

New stuff....
Nothing really cool...seein as how i just started this webpage, but i added alot of pictures and links to cool places on the web!
Want to see somthin on my page? Tell me!

Hobbies of mine!
Most of my time is occupied my the comp doing the dollz or reading or designing clothes! I have made alot of different designs. I make all kinds of different clothes like sleepwear, casual,swim suits,gowns, wedding dress, almost anything you can think of i probably have already done.

South Park Me!
I made this at Its really fun to make these. saving them is the same as saving your dolls.